The California Appellate Law Podcast
An appellate law podcast for trial lawyers. Appellate specialists Jeff Lewis and Tim Kowal discuss timely trial tips and the latest cases and news coming from the California Court of Appeal and California Supreme Court.
159 episodes
The court recorded my trial, so why can’t I use it on appeal?
The San Bernardino Superior Court electronically records trial. Can Jeff use the recording as the appellate record? Short answer: no. But there’s an original writ pending in the Supreme Court on a similar issue, so watch this space.We al...
Season 1
Episode 159

$340k Incivility Tax & Other Cases
Jeff is in trial, so take in a few quick summaries of recent cases and get back to billing:Incivility cost attorney $340,000 in fee reduction. Clip-n-save the recent controlling case on this point,
Season 1
Episode 158

Movie-Trailer Case Reviews
There was a bit in an old radio show (Kevin-and-Bean KROQ old, not Little Orphan Annie old) had Ralph Garman review movies he’d never seen, based only on watching the trailers. In this episode, we review some cases we haven’t read. We discuss t...
Season 1
Episode 157

TikTok at the Supreme Court & Oral Argument Stories
This is why your teenagers are anxious: TikTok’s fate hangs in the balance at the Supreme Court. We discuss the recent oral arguments, and Donald Trump’s amicus brief asking the Court to sit tight and he’ll make a fantastic deal that will be fa...
Season 1
Episode 156

Roundup of 2024 and What’s Coming in 2025
Here is our 2024 roundup, and in exchange we have a request for suggestions for 2025 content. If you are an attorney, what content do you prefer?
Season 1
Episode 155

End the Bar Exam? with Jackie Gardina
Jackie Gardina shares dispatches from the Blue Ribbon Commission on reforming the Bar Exam, covering recent reforms, the ongoing debate about the exam’s effectiveness, and the rise of alternative pathways to legal licensure. Some takeaways:...
Season 1
Episode 154

How the Cal. Appellate Project Promotes Appellate Experience and Access to Justice
There is a 700-appellate case backlog in Los Angeles and only around 450 attorneys on the California Appellate Project—Los Angeles panel. CAP-LA attorneys Jennifer Hansen and Jennifer Peabody share how the rest of us can pitch in to assuage thi...
Season 1
Episode 153

CALP w/ Chris Dralla, Creator of Typelaw, Revolutionizing Legal Writing
Attorneys still wrestling with Microsoft Word to finish a brief need to be acquainted with Chris Dralla’s product Typelaw, the groundbreaking tool that lets attorneys turn plain text into fully formatted, cited, hyperlinked, local rule-complian...
Season 1
Episode 152

Reaction to Judge Jones and Prof. Vladeck's Exchange on Judge Shopping
In this episode, Tim and Jeff dive into the recent heated exchange between Fifth Circuit Judge Edith Jones and Georgetown Professor Stephen Vladeck at the Federalist Society’s Lawyers National Lawyers Conference. The debate centered on the tens...
Season 1
Episode 151

Why the Lack of an Record Is a Constitutional Problem, with Erin Smith (Part 2)
Responding to a decades-long lack of court reporters, the Los Angeles Superior Court in September 2024 ordered that electronic recordings may be made. This arguably violates a statute prohibiting the use of electronic recordings. But Erin Smith...
Season 1
Episode 150

Why the Lack of an Record Is a Constitutional Problem, with Erin Smith (Part 1)
Erin Smith’s Family Violence Appellate Project has over 50 published cases under its belt—which is even more impressive considering how difficult it is to get a good record in these cases. In this first part of our conversation, we discuss the ...
Season 1
Episode 149

A Glimpse into ClioCon
Couldn’t make this year’s ClioCon? Don’t know why you would if you could? Jeff is on location in Austin, Texas, and reports in on the latest legal tech trends, like:The death of the billable hour? A review of attorney tasks suggests...
Season 1
Episode 148

The Write Stuff, with Michelle Strowhiro
In a (non)definitive survey of writing instruments, big-law attorney turned solo employer counsel Michelle Strowhiro reveals her pick for the best pen for lawyers.Then we turn to the U.S. District Court of Texas ruling in Ryan LLC v. FTC...
Season 1
Episode 147

Supreme Court Reinstates $2.5M Discovery Sanction
The Supreme Court of California isn’t always interested in money disputes, but throw attorney misconduct into the mix and you get the City of LA v. Pricewaterhousecoopers reinstating a sanction for “egregious” city attorney’s office collusion t...
Season 1
Episode 146

Electronic recordings? Not so fast.
Los Angeles Superior Court will now offer electronic recordings where a court reporter is not available. But not all courts have the equipment. And even if they do, by statute these recordings may not be used to create an appellate record. So w...
Season 1
Episode 145

Adam Feldman on Empirical SCOTUS part 2
After discussing SCOTUS voting blocs and public perception, in part two of our discussion Adam Feldman rounds up the 2023-2024 term. We cover:SEC v. Jarkesy, holding that 7th Amendment procedural rights apply in agency proceedings, ...
Season 1
Episode 144

Adam Feldman of Empirical SCOTUS, Part 1
Adam Feldman watches Supreme Court trends: voting blocs both usual and unusual, numbers of concurring and dissenting opinions, and other analytical ways of predicting outcomes. In our discussion, we cover:Recent polls disapprove of ...
Season 1
Episode 143

“Disgrantles,” peaceful carjackings, for-profit prisons: July 9th Cir. cases
While the Supreme Court wrapped up its term, the Ninth Circuit had some interesting cases of its own. Carjacking is “nonviolent,” for-profit prisons are constitutional, and Covid vaccine religious exemptions are on the table. Practitioners migh...
Season 1
Episode 142

E-filing outage cause a late filing? & other cases
A ransomware attack hit the Los Angeles County Superior Court in July 2024, affecting e-filing services. Did you miss a filing deadline because of this? We discuss two Rules of Court that could help.We also cover:Are anti-SLA...
Season 1
Episode 141

What next after Rahimi? with Criminal Defense Hero Don Hammond, part 2
Previously in part one, criminal-defense attorney Don Hammond explained why, post-Bruen, states may no longer impose discretionary constraints in concealed-carry permitting regimes. But will that change after the Supreme Court’s recent...
Season 1
Episode 140

Justice Anita Earls Part 2: The investigation into her statements on diversity
Justice Anita Earls of the North Carolina Supreme Court knows about some reforms that will improve our justice system. But she also knows about some that will provoke an unhappy response—including an investigation against her personally....
Season 1
Episode 139

CCW Permits with Criminal Defense Hero Don Hammond, part 1
Just because you’re law-abiding doesn’t mean you won’t need a criminal-defense attorney. There are more criminal laws in federal and California state law books than you could read in a decade. (I asked ChatGPT: if you printed them all out, they...
Season 1
Episode 138

Justice Anita Earls and the Court as an Institution: Part 1
Justice Anita Earls of the North Carolina Supreme Court knows about some reforms that will improve our justice system. But she also knows about some that will provoke an unhappy response—including an investigation against her personally....
Season 1
Episode 137

Abortion Pills and Vaccine Mandates
We have a few big cases to cover:The Supreme Court, 9-0, guaranteed continued access to abortion pills.A 9th Circuit split panel, meanwhile, allows a challenge to a Covid-19 vaccine mandate to proceed, challenging Buck ...
Season 1
Episode 136

The appellate court that overruled a supreme court: Part 2 with John Sylvester
John Sylvester was the counsel of record in the controversial Abdelqader v. Abraham published opinion. In the previous episode we discussed why it was controversial. (Short version: because the Court of Appeal, sub silentio, thumbed it...
Season 1
Episode 135